Florida – Resolved Cases

In re Checking Account Overdraft Litig.
Jurisdiction: S.D. Fla.
City: Miami
Case Status: Resolved
MDL proceedings involved allegations that dozens of banks reordered and manipulated the posting order of debit transactions. Settlements collectively in excess of $1 billion were reached with several banks. C&T was a Team Leader in the actions against U.S. Bank ($55 million settlement) and Comerica Bank ($14.5 million settlement).
West et al. v. ExamSoft Worldwide, Inc.
Jurisdiction: S.D. Fla.
City: Miami
Case Status: Resolved
Resulted in a $2.1 million settlement on behalf of July 2014 bar exam applicants in several states who paid to use software for the written portion of the exam which allegedly failed to function properly.
CNL Hotels & Resorts Inc. Securities Litig.
Jurisdiction: M.D. Fla.
City: Orlando
Case Status: Resolved
Securities class action on behalf of the shareholders of CNL Hotels settling Sections 11 and 12 claims for $35 million in cash and Section 14 proxy claims by significantly reducing the merger consideration by nearly $225 million (from $300 million to $73 million) that CNL paid for internalizing its advisor/manager.