American Express Data Breach  – Class Action Investigation

Chimicles Schwartz Kriner & Donaldson-Smith is investigating a potential class action relating to a data breach incident involving American Express Company, a financial services bank that specializes in payment cards.

Specifically, it is reported that a third-party service provider who uses American Express’s travel services to book flights, hotel, and other travel reservations for American Express cardholders became aware of unauthorized access to its computer system. As result, account information for an unspecified number of American Express cardholders may have been compromised. The information accessed in this breach may possibly include, but not limited to: American Express card account numbers, names, and card expiration data.

If you believe your American Express card information may have been compromised as a result of this breach, please contact the attorney(s) listed below by using the form provided.

AMEX Data Breach (#372)

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